AI-powered Shopping Concierge for your Website
Maximize leads and improve qualification with our Audio-visual (AV) Bot
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What we believe in
Engage your Customers as soon as they visit the website
Provide your Customers contextual information, making buying journey easier
Learn more about your customers, to evolve your product and pitch
About Product

How does the AV bot work?

- Learns from pitch and objection handling documents
- Understands website journeys for over a period of time.
- Engages customers with personalized pitches and customer journeys
- Evolves from past interactions to improvise

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What do you get

What is in it for you?

More Engagement leads to more leads, but customer questions also leads to a wealth of insights!

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Who are we?

Meet our team of experts who are passionate about helping B2B startups grow their business!
Our Sales and Marketing Leader, Gandharv, has extensive experience working with startups across B2B and B2C companies. He has a proven track record of driving sales growth and building successful marketing strategies.
Our AI Leader, Vinay, has over a decade of experience building AI solutions across large Enterprise and Startups. He is an expert in developing cutting-edge AI technology that can help businesses stay ahead of the curve.

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Improve your Website lead flow today!
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